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时间:2024-04-28 10:59:38
1、愿你无灾无难,无我不欢。 Wish you no disaster, no difficulty, no me not happy. 2、两个小心愿,你在身边在你身边。 Two little wishes, you are by your side. 3、当爱变成爱过的时候,我们早已相隔天涯,各在一方。 When love turns into love, we are far away from each other. 4、区区世俗奈我何,我怡然自得。 I'm just worldly. I'm happy. 5、我想让你当0,我来当1,因为我们的和是我,我们的积是你! I want you to be 0, I will be 1, because our sum is me, our product is you! 6、你住在我心里那么久,不交房租的吗? You live in my heart for so long, do not pay rent? 7、我要把温柔怜爱藏起来,只想对你一个人好。 I want to hide my tender love, just want to be nice to you. 8、好笑吗?身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗。 Is that funny? It's strange that I don't have you around. Will you stay with me all my life. 9、别怕,总会有人熬夜陪你,下雨接你,说我爱你。 Don't be afraid, there will always be someone stay up late with you, rain pick you up, say I love you. 10、那些没说出口旳思念,都变成了黑眼圈。 Those did not say that the missing, have become a black eye. 11、我想做猫,做你怀中猫,懒散又骄傲。 I want to be a cat, a cat in your arms, lazy and proud. 12、想你的时候,云朵都变成粉红色。 When I miss you, the clouds turn pink. 13、我要让全世界都降温,来降低我对你爱的热度。 I'm going to cool the world down to reduce my love for you. 14、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他是你的信徒。 Even if the world is deserted, there is always a person who is your believer. 15、如果你来了,春天就可以不用来了。 If you come, spring won't come. 16、爱你不是今天明天,只想永远在你身边。 Love you not today, tomorrow, just want to be by your side forever. 17、从认识你开始,我整个人都是你的了。 I've been yours since I met you. 18、小生不才,不能给姑娘荣华富贵,只能许姑娘一生一世一双人。 If you don't have talent, you can't give a girl glory and wealth. You can only allow a girl to be a person for life. 19、说星星很亮的人,一定没见你的眼睛。 People who say the stars are bright must not see your eyes. 20、当君怀归日,是妾断肠时。 When you return home, it's my heartbreak. 21、即使你弯腰驼背,在众人之中我爱的还是你。 Even if you bow down, I love you among the people. 22、很美不是下雨天,而是和你一起躲过雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but a roof with you to avoid the rain. 23、莫文蔚的阴天,孙燕姿的雨天,周杰伦的晴天,都不如你和我聊天。 Mo Wenwei's cloudy day, Sun Yanzi's rainy day and Jay Chou's sunny day are not as good as chatting with me. 24、这一刻,有我很深的思念,让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦。 At this moment, there is my deepest missing, let the cloud carry full of blessing, embellishment your sweet dream. 25、遇见你,日出日落,春夏秋冬,都被赋予新的意义。 Meet you, sunrise and sunset, spring, summer, autumn and winter, are given a new meaning. 26、世间万般苦,你是一点甜。 The world is bitter, you are a little sweet. 27、青涩和挚爱都给了你,往后所有日子都会与你同在。 Green and love are given to you, all the days will be with you. 28、我想向你学习,语笑嫣然总是带给别人活力和快乐。 I want to learn from you, smile and smile always bring vitality and happiness to others. 29、你喜欢的未必适合你,陪伴你的才是很好的。 What you like may not be suitable for you, but the one who accompanies you is the best. 30、当我忘了你的时候,我也就忘了我自己。 When I forget you, I forget myself. 31、生活不止有眼前的苟且,还有和你在床上的狂野。 Life is not only about the moment, but also about the wildness in bed with you. 32、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻很想你。 I don't know what to say, I just miss you very much at this moment. 33、你的笑,温暖了我的雨雪风霜。 Your smile, warm my rain, snow, wind and frost. 34、我们谈的是永不分手的恋爱,我们陪伴的是一起变老的未来! We are talking about the never breaking up love, we accompany the future of growing old together! 35、听说现在结婚很便宜,走,结婚去!我请你。 I heard it's cheap to get married now. Let's go and get married! I'll treat you. 36、我玩了6年英雄联盟,后来才发现你才是我的英雄。 I played the League of heroes for six years, and then I found out you were my hero. 37、所谓人间值得,不就是遇见你吗。 The so-called world worth, is not to meet you. 38、梦里人儿,梦醒思念,拿灯细照,担心是幻梦一场。 People in the dream, wake up and miss, take the light, worry is a dream. 39、这个世界对我来说本没我什么惊喜的,直到你来了。 The world didn't surprise me until you came. 40、有一个人,你真的好想他快乐,所以你宁愿自己不快乐。 There is a person, you really want him happy, so you would rather not be happy. 41、相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长。 Love each other, happiness forever, the same virtue, happiness long. 42、我想我已经忘不掉你了,因为连输入法都认得你了。 I think I can't forget you, because even the input method knows you. 43、和你许下诺言,愿相爱永远,此生不变! And you promise to love forever, this life does not change! 44、铃铛遇到风会响,我遇到你,心里的小路会乱撞。 The bell meets the wind will ring, I meet you, the path in my heart will bump. 45、笑脸看你,你的笑靥如花,我只是沐浴在你的春天里。 Smiling face to see you, your dimple like flowers, I just bathed in your spring. 46、我爱你,胜于昨日,略愧于明朝。 I love you more than yesterday, and I am a little ashamed of the Ming Dynasty. 47、相爱是两人的天才地久,相思却是一个人的地老天荒。 Love is the genius of two people for a long time, but acacia is the end of life. 48、未来很长,我们一起成长。 The future is long, we grow together. 49、我也想浪荡一生,却不小心钟情一个人。 I also want to roam all my life, but I fall in love with someone. 50、喜欢一个人不犯法,就算犯法我也顶风作案。 Like a person not to break the law, even if I break the law, I will commit crimes against the wind. 51、喜欢你已经超过两分钟,无法撤回啦。 Like you for more than two minutes, can not withdraw. 52、我的每一下心跳想你一次,直到我生命停止,心不再跳动!我爱你! My heart beats every time I miss you once, until my life stops, my heart doesn't beat any more! I love you! 53、冒昧打扰了,今天也特别特别喜欢你。 I take the liberty to disturb you. I like you very much today. 54、纵使生老病死,变老变丑,别怕,有我爱着你。 Even if you live, grow old and become ugly, don't be afraid, I love you. 55、你的目光再温柔一点,月亮会融化,我也会。 If your eyes are more gentle, the moon will melt, so will I. 56、都夸我人见人爱,花见花开。 All praise me that everyone loves me, and flowers bloom. 57、以后你的手我来牵,你的泪我来擦,你的所有任性小脾气我来包容。 Later, I will hold your hand, I will wipe your tears, and I will tolerate all your willful temper. 58、未经允许,擅自个性喜欢你,不好意思了? I like you without permission. Sorry? 59、一万句晚安,不如拥你入眠。 Ten thousand good night, better hold you to sleep. 60、一心抱区区,惧君不识察。 One heart embraces a small area, afraid of the monarch but not aware of the inspection.





